Sunday 20 January 2008

Great Great Grandparents

Currently showing on the slide show are some old black and white photographs of my great great grandparents

I have been using photoshop to repair the damage that time has inflicted on them. whilst playing around with them had two spine chilling thoughts

once zoomed into one of the photos above the young girls head my great grandma I found a thumb print (must be my policing skills) however at this point my hairs on my neck stood up

I know this could have been caused by anyone that has handled the photo over the years but it also could be any one of the relatives in the photograph

and secondly what would they have all said standing in the studio waiting to have a photograph taken (probably not moving for some time to ensure that the image was nice and sharp) would when the photographer states do you sir realise that one day one of your relatives will be sitting in front of a computer viewing and enhancing your photo this will be long after you have died
What would they have said!!!!!!!


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